The Program of Anchoring Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity is now online.
Online Conference, 9-11 December. Register now!
Take a look here for the program per day.
Our conference on ‘anchoring technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity’ will bring together students of the ancient societies of Greece and Rome and specialists in the various disciplines that address the spread and adoption of technological innovation in the modern world: economists, sociologists, anthropologists, marketing specialists, psychologists, and philosophers studying the implications of technological innovation. It is the express aim of the conference to facilitate a mutually beneficial dialogue between all these disciplines. On the one hand, we will explore how insights and results from the social sciences and ‘technology and society’ studies may be made productive for the study of an early historical period. On the other hand, we will explore how the data and methodologies that are specific to classical studies may make contributions to the social sciences, both conceptually and in terms of a diversification of empirical data and research strategies.
The conference is organized by Prof. André Lardinois and Dr. Stephan Mols, both of Radboud University, Nijmegen. They are supported by an advisory board, consisting of Prof. Wiebe Bijker (Maastricht), Dr. Miko Flohr (Leiden), Prof. Ineke Sluiter (Leiden), Prof. Liba Taub (Cambridge) and Prof. Teun Tieleman (Utrecht).
‘Anchoring Innovation’ is supported by a 2017 Gravitation Grant (Ministry of Education and the Dutch Research Council NWO); please see our website for further information and bibliographical references.