Anchoring Religious Change (Late Antiquity)

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This WP builds on WP4 (and eventually it even goes back to the pilot project by Roald Dijkstra and Dorine van Espelo) , where anchoring was found a most effective tool in the study of religious change. There is a clear methodological link to WP 10 in that ‘cultural common ground’ will inevitably play a role, but its central research question is a distinct one, transcending the Greco-Roman context towards Judaic and Arabic traditions. Some form of collaboration with national research school Noster will be sought (e.g. common workshop).

Research Questions

It addresses the major question in late antique culture, the emergence of Christianity, and the place of Judaism and Islam in the context of the globalizing (still called ‘Greco-Roman’) world. Researchers will seek collaboration with the Research School in Medieval Studies by organizing joint events.
